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Hamsa Multi Strand Beaded Necklace

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $30.00.

Hamsa, howlite and rudraksha multi strand beaded necklace


  • Multi strand beaded hamsa tassel necklace
  • Turquoise howlite stone pendant
  • Bronze Hamsa charm, tassels, rudraksha and seed beads, turquoise and white howlite beads, brass spacer beads
  • Choice of Blue or Mint
  • Rudraksha seeds are known as the tears of Shiva, who is said to cry tears of compassion for humanity, producing these sacred seeds, to assist us in our journey towards healing and enlightenment.
  • White howlite promotes calmness, tranquility, patience and tolerance. Helps to balance calcium levels.
  • Turquoise howlite is worn for communication, friendship, awareness and protection.

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Blue, Mint