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This is a little late, but I’ve been reflecting back on all of the awesome love from my tribe lately! This has been a big year for me, with getting married to my love, and celebrating 5 years with Indo Love!

In honor of this exciting time, my girls surprised me with a weekend in Palm Springs for my bachelorette party. I don’t know what I would do without these loyal, positive and super fun loving ladies in my life. I mean seriously, I have the best friends and I’m just so grateful for them every single day. Knowing me well, they planned our days lounging around the pool at the house, catching up with champagne and lots of giggles. The decorations were so thoughtful and made for great pictures! At night, we played dress up (you should have seen all of the shoes!), and ventured out to Birba for more girl talk and laughter under the stars.

It was OMazing, and just what I needed.

Feeling so loved and grateful for this perfect weekend, I couldn’t wait to gift these beautiful ladies with some handmade jewelry for them to wear at the wedding. They each received a personalized gold bar necklace, a pura vida ring (for the Costa Rica wedding), a soul sister hand stamped ivory silk wrap bracelet, beaded bracelets and an extra pineapple blue lace agate gold necklace for my maid of honor. They all looked so beautiful!! Look how cute everyone is in their bride tribe tank!

Friendship isn’t about who you’ve known the longest, it’s about who walked into your life, said “I’m here for you” and proved it.

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